Therapy for Sensitive Helpers:
Learn to Protect your Energy

You got in to your profession because you care. 

You're a therapist, a wilderness guide, a nurse, a caregiver, a chaplain, a teacher. No matter your specific profession, you spend your working hours in service to others. 

Your work is meaningful. But you’re feeling exhausted, burned out, drained. Some days you find yourself thinking “I don’t want to do this anymore.” 

You work in a system that doesn’t seem to care about you or your wellbeing. You feel taken advantage of and used. You compare yourself to coworkers who don’t seem to be struggling as much. At the end of the day you have a hard time letting go of your patients, participants, clients, or students. 

After a long day, week, or shift of helping others you find yourself:

  • Struggling with sleep, tossing and turning as your mind races
  • Feeling pain in your body—chronic headaches, back pain, stomach problems. Or you forget you have a body at all, and feel numb and disconnected. 
  • Using alcohol or drugs to help you forget about work
  • Having a hard time naming your needs and feeling unable to set boundaries and say no

Your relationships outside of work are suffering. You know you aren’t showing up and being present but you just don’t feel like you have anything left.

Your job as helper is affecting your mental health, and it's time to get some support. 

Schedule your complimentary 15 minute consultation call today to get started.

Helpers Deserve Help, Too

You've been going at it alone for so long, holding it together for yourself and others...but you know it can't last.

You're not sure if you can handle one more understaffed shift, one more difficult patient, one more outburst from your stressed-out coworker. 

Therapy for sensitive helpers teaches you to:

  • Tune in to your own system so you know when you’re getting dysregulated by the people you’re helping and/or your work environment
  • Explore self-care, and what authentic self-care looks like for you
  • Understand and work with your unique wiring and learn to ask for what you need both in and out of the workplace
  • Connect you with your values and gain a clear picture of your “why” 
  • Have room to explore alternative paths while staying connected to the things you’re passionate about
  • Learn concrete practices that support you in staying present and managing your energy

Constantly providing support for others at the expense of yourself is wearing you down. 

Reach out today; let's start building you back up.