Therapy for Quarterlife:
Learn to Adult

Adulting, amirite? 

Graduate from high school or college. Move somewhere. Get an 8-5 job. Make money. Gain financial stability. Rent a house or apartment. Buy or lease a car. Adopt a pet. Own a home. Find a partner. Get married. Have kids. Save for retirement. 

Sound familiar? It’s a list of “achievements” we point to in order to say that someone has “arrived” as an adult. 

It’s a list you might have strong reactions to, like:

  • “I should be doing better at _______” (relationships, career, finances)

  • “Why can’t I _______” (find the right partner, make enough money, get an apartment, pick a major or graduate studies path)

  • “I never want to _______” (own a home, work a traditional schedule, get married)

If you see yourself in these words, you’re probably in a phase of adulthood we call by a lot of different names: early adulthood, emerging adulthood, quarterlife. This life stage takes place from the ages of 18ish to 35ish, with lots of wiggle room around that age range based on life experiences. 

We sort of give quarterlifers a map (see: checklist at the top of the page)...but the map is incomplete, and kind of garbage.

With an incomplete map, you’re left trying to figure out how to “come of age” in a society and culture where traditional markers of adulthood might not fit with the life you picture for yourself.

In this phase of adulthood? Need help finding your way? Book a complimentary 15 minute consultation call with me to get started.

Let's Redraw the Map

What if we could redraw the quarterlife map?

What if the checklist looked different? What if instead of gauging your progress by imposed and irrelevant markers you instead looked at your ability to:

  • Understand your inner world
  • Feel your feelings
  • Be in the moment
  • Know your values 
  • Take steps towards what’s important 

While we don’t always do a good job of naming them, these are actually the important tasks of quarterlife and the work that will set you up for success later on.

Quarterlife is an expedition, and you deserve an invested guide. 

Therapy with me will help you: 

  • Understand yourself better and feel more confident about your decisions

  • Appreciate the life you've built and experience more enjoyment and fun than you ever have

  • Feel relaxed in your own skin and comfortable with stating your needs

Like all odysseys, moving through quarterlife can at times be rough and bumpy. I’ll be right there with you. Ready to start? Reach out today.